Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Measat 3

For those who were lost during the past few day, Malaysia has launced it's third satellite code named Measat 3. It's suppose to provide better transmission during rain (ASTRO's weakest point) , better internet speed ( hopefully) and to provide more options for other countries. For more in depth news, read the articles below.

My question is why is Proton's name in there as well ?

"A Proton Breeze M launch vehicle, launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan,
successfully placed the MEASAT-3 satellite into orbit earlier today."

Since when did our local car maker build shuttle launchers ? All I know, Boeing was at hand to assist the Measat team.

Proton ?
As long as it's not made out of milo tin

Official website , click here
Wikipedia entry, click here

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