Wednesday, December 13, 2006

'DOPOD' runtuh - Part I

Title diciplak from a Malay proverb - Durian Runtuh.
Camera courtesy of Angeline Malar

This entry goes something like this....

Once upon a time, in a land far far away there lived a boy named MURALI. This boy was a very lonely boy. He had so much time and had nothing to do. One day as he walked around his kampung, he saw an advertisement calling for participants to join/register a SNEAK PREVIEW for a product. The product was Microsoft Vista. Since Murali had nothing to do, he decided to register. After all, the event was free.

The day of the event
The magical day arrived and Murali made his way thru to KLCC. This place is so gempak, there are 3 building that share the same acronym. Anyway , the event was held at Kuala Lumpur Convention Center. Another Malaysia Boleh building. (advert : Despite having PWTC, the government wants more and more convention centers that are not being fully utilized. We just build for fun). Once there , Murali was awed by the crowd and booths that were set up for the event.

The crowd despite it being a working day

The sneak preview begins

This lady started the ball rolling by welcoming all participants.

Intel Macha talking about linking Intel and Vista

AMD not wanting to miss out, sent their representative

Dell Malaysia

I can't remember which company is he from, but he was good.

Microsoft Malaysia Dude explaining some cool features in the new Vista

These guys were showing the tips and tricks in Vista.

[to be continued...]

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