Friday, December 08, 2006

Post PC FAIR - Part 1

* Pics will be uploaded later.

Went to PC Fair in KLCC on Sunday,the last day to get some stuffs (to be revealed later). Walked pass an Indian family discussing about getting a laptop.

I overheard the lady saying " Acer was cheaper, they were selling at ...."
Then the man went like " Is it the same laptop.."

Clearly they knew nothing about laptops or computers for the matter.
Being a nice guy, I walked over to them and ask them
1. What was their budget like ?
2. Why are they getting the laptop
3. For whom ?

Apparently they were getting a laptop for their daughter who is currently studying Medicine in AIMST.

I got exited and asked for their daughter's name. Apparently they named her ANJALI.
How cool was that? I got even more exited and told them I shall accompany them on their quest to search for a laptop for their daughter ANJALI.


I snapped out of my dream. I dozed off while waiting for my turn to pee. :p

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