Saturday, December 30, 2006

My NY resolutions

This new year I'm not going to bother having a list of resolutions. No point having something year after year when it's never fulfilled. I've decided resolution are only made because everyone seems to do it. I'm going to make my list when I know I need it. Maybe I'll make mine in February maybe even April.

This year may see some changes. Instead of bumming at home, I shall go out more, meet more girls people and get drunk naughty. I'm going to knock myself out with booze and babes. I'm going to be in Bangsar once a night every week. Instead of coming back to Cyberia during breaks, I'm going to visit the library more often and study since it's my last semester. I'm going to be less desperate for attention and ladies. It's time I act macho. It's time to talk less and listen more. It is also time I start thinking before saying nasty things.
I'm going to exercise more, eat healthy food and watch my diet. I'm going to be much much nicer and control my temper. I'm going to let my mother finish her sentence before screaming my head of at her. I'm going to tell dad I love him because now days I'm afraid of losing him. The same goes to my mom and grandma. I'm not sooo bothered about my sister. She will survive.

As usual, I fail to listen to myself. I just wrote down my resolutions. It is hard to stop doing something, when everyone else is doing it.
Time to lick some pussy

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