Sunday, November 12, 2006

Purely Football - Part II

A standard football pitch

Graphical overview of positions

In MMU I play on a ground termed the "GREEN COURT". The court was made by MMU about 2 years back for netball. Since it's abandoned most of the time, the INDIANs of MMU decided to take the responsibility of utilizing the court. We don't like to see things go to waste.

When we first started, we could play right up to 12 at nite. Nice breezy nights with bright spotlights with volleyball referee stands being made the goal post at both ends. It was the nearest ,largest, cleanest ground we could play in MMU. Made of of a combination of simen and tar (i think), the ground has good drainage, not that slippery and a smooth flat surface that reflect the colour green. Thus the coined term.

My past years in MMU have been spent on that court almost every day except during those peak hours where my attention was turned towards those small square things filled with papers they call BOOK. My source of information ? The ever useable friendly Yahoo Messenger (no, there are not paying me to do promotion) . I would buzz anyone staying in hostel or some one would take the responsibility of informing everyone about the kickoff time. Usually it's Thina Mande.

I believe in playing fun. I 'm part of the Salsa team (which plays in the big field) and I believe it was Ellango was the one that started Salsa Fun Fair. A team which plays for fun, laughs at mistakes, and plays their hearts out.
I hate playing when everyone is tensed, scolding each other for silly mistakes and everyone tries to be selfish.
BUT you can't change everyone. You just go with the flow.

My best times were countless. Soring goals , last second ditches to clear the ball of the line, sliding tackles and much much more. I know I'm going to miss this ground.My greatest satisfaction comes from the fact that I'm able to cut off attacks and launch attacks. I'm a person who can't dribble for shits. Some may say if you can't dribble, how can you call that football ? To me, if you can kick a ball , you can certainly play this game.

I take pride in being able to grab the ball from an opposition, look up and send a pin-point cross to my team-mate waiting upfront. I know I ain't Beckham, but I can certainly pull string and move things forward. I love doing so. O f course at times you get ticked by your team-mates because instead of passing the ball and pushing forward, I tend to just supply upwards. I learn and I'm glad to say I'm improving. I think I am.

It's even more rewarding when you assist a particular goal. Certainly much sweeter when I score. I don't have a 360 degree vision. I believe mine is more of 180 . I fail to look back and start all over again. Call it enthusiasm + adrelenin rush.

As most players, I too have my prefered team-mates or people I don't mind playing day and night. The reason ? Because with them around , it's pure fun and enjoyable. People like Kishen and Roshan. Extremely good players with fancy footwork. Nice to watch, not nice to play against, but again in football, you need to except challenges and improve. I always relish the chance to play against them. Khugan, Ellango, Ruben,Bal, Sujen to name a few players I love playing with.

Life is good. Football has to be the cherry on the top of the icing.

Makan bola.Minum bola.Tidur bola


p/s : Rule no1. Don't fucking get injured. It will never be the same

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