Monday, January 08, 2007

Yogi B & Natchatra Remix Videos

Watched Rendu and browsed Youtube since there was no work. Thought maybe Yogi B would have produced more video clips by now. Anyhow I came across a couples of remixed versions and decided to just compile it here. Have fun.
*Following are the videos and beside each video is what I believe to be my personal ratings. Feel free to rate the videos in the comment box.*

Live Performanceby Yogi b & Natchatra - Vallavan-Indian Girls
(I'm not to sure if this was performed in Malaysia or India but the response from the Indian artists were positive.)

Vaa Vaa Remix --> 1.5 star

Yogi B & Nachatra boys-Kamasutra (video mix) --> 3 stars

Yogi B & Nachatra boys - Indian Girl (6 Stone Mix) --> 1 star

Vaa VAa (Yogi -b) -->0.5 star

Unplugged (not clear but i like it)

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