Thursday, January 18, 2007

Sardajis are the best.

A sardarji happened to participate in competition which was about writing the shortest story. The organizers had put a condition that a story must have four ingrediants Viz.

Religion, Sex, Suspense and Mystery.

Sardarji turn came after many attempts by others.Sardarji gave a story, which was just one sentence and read:

'Oh God, my wife is going to deliver a child'

Ostensibly amused, the organizers asked the sardarji whether it contained all the four ingredients!! Sardarji replied affirmatively and gave his explanation as below:

'Oh God: Religion
My Wife: Sex
Going to deliver a child : Suspense
(Whether girl or boy)

'Okey.... but where is the mistery?' asked one of the organizers.

The sardar replied : who is the father?

Sardarji was declared the winner for writing the short story

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