Saturday, January 13, 2007

RSS - An insight

What exactly is RSS ?

Well I knew it existed but never really knew how to create / use it. I then decided to start reading up and started learning bits and pieces about RSS. RSS is like notifiers when a site is updated. RSS saves us time from clicking the FAVOURITES tab and then selecting the website we visit almost daily only to find out it is exactly the same as it was the last time you checked it. Now you have wasted about 5 minutes (assuming you are using StreamyX. If it's dial up, god bless you). Not much time lost right ? WRONG. Now picture yourself clicking about 20 websites and you realised, it is no different compared to the first website you clicked.

Catastrophic indeed.

This is where the orange image that you seen on the top right hand side of my page comes handy. To utilise RSS, you need a RSS reader. Not a problem if you have the latest IE7 or Firefox. Just click on the 'Suscribe Now' . Next click View XML feed.

Click Suscribe to this feedThe above will pop up. Go ahead and click Suscribe

There are multiple settings you can adjust to suit your preferance

The same can be applied to anywebsite that spots the similar coloured images or anything that states RSS or XML feed. Feel Free to browse the links below and get more information. I'm still pretty blur.

Blogger Help regarding Feeds
A website to create feedlinks
What is RSS and How Do You Use It? - here
All about RSS - here
How to:Read RSS feeds - here
RSS Quickstart Guide - here

1 comment:

voch said...

RRS is up bro. Nice work! I'll try it out when i haf time haha..enjoy yr last 2 weeks of work man.