Why? Break the taboo. It’s not doing the society good by keeping silent. People are starting sex way too young. 15, 16, and they already had a few sex partners before. Curious being the reason, and when they got the ball rolling, they just can’t stop it. More often than not, there’s no precautions taken, teens get caught in the moment, couldn’t control themselves and ended up having sex with their partners. They couldn’t care less about forming a baby in the process.
Ooh, pregnant ahh?? aiyar, go to the clinic and abort it la!!i pay for u.Settle. Worry so much for wad? ‘ These youngsters opt for abortions when ‘something goes wrong’.Ignorant of the harm the operation pose to their body, ignorant of the innocent life they just ended for their own selfishness. With some money, hey! Problem settled! TOTAL IGNORANCE. It’s amazing how some teens can just brush off their pregnancy and aborting it like it never bothered them at all. They carry on having unsafe sex as if nothing has happened. What’s happening to our young
boys and girls? Social problems are on an alarming rise. Sex education in school has no impact whatsoever in the lives of this young,restless,impulsive lot. “Heck, everybody’s doing it! I also have to start having sex! plus, I don’t want to be laughed at for still being a virgin by graduation! “
OMG THE STUPIDEST LINES I'VE EVER HEARD! But yeah, scenarios like this are
happening. Losing your virginity by high school makes you cool. Hey, why don’t you
bang your head against the wall and then have it stitched? That’ll make you look cool too, having scars and stitches. Ur friends will worship you. Did I mention that it’s also ultra super idiotic and stupid?
These kids wanna have sex for the fun of it, not thinking of the consequences of unprotected sex, not counting the cost. And a sad true fact : teenagers nowadays are becoming more open-minded about sexuality, they are not shy to have sex with theirs partners, but THEY ARE TOO FCUKIN SHY TO BUY CONDOMS. I have these words for ignorant lil couples like this, FCUKIN COWARDS. LOSERS. WIMPS. SELFISH SELF-CENTRED BASTARDS. If you want to have sex, be prepared for consequences. Getting pregnant and aborting the baby is fuckin not the solution. U not prepared for all of these? Dun fuckin have sex. MASTURBATE UR PATHETIC SELF.
And another : Ooh, my boyfriend says that if I love him, I will have sex with him. Besides, hey ,it’s so pleasurable. Ooh,sex’s so fun! hee! WAKE UP IDIOTIC GIRLS. If you don’t want to, learn to say no.Virginity is priceless. It’s not just about enjoying and losing yourself in the spur of the moment.Love your body. If you think u can handle sex, be responsible for your own act. This is sad, but if you can’t control yourself, the advice is get a condom. nobody’s stopping u from having sex… but be responsible.
Next time u see a baby, before u go gushing “omg the baby’s so cute! so sweet and such an innocent look!” , think of the little ones that have been denied the chance to live in this world by the cruel act of their irresponsible parents. A new life formed, and destroyed due to the selfishness of ignorant youngsters.The babies did not do anything wrong to be killed in such manner. The ones in the wrong are YOU. If u agree with this post and are not afraid or ashamed to voice it out, repost. Knock some sense into our teenagers. "

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