Friday, January 12, 2007


Some of you may have heard of the recent revelation by Steve Jobs, some may have not. The latest gadget to grace earth, a master piece by Apple is called iphone and yes, it is a phone + ipod + more stuffs + more stuffs. There were speculations about Apple coming up with a phone and many were creating concept iphones and posting them online. Check out this site dedicated to a collection of concept iphones.

Is it worth it ? I'm not to sure. The phone is said to be running the latest OS by Apple ( Mac OS X ). Problems are bound to crop up due to the software and I don't need antivirus running in the background. Another problem would be synchronisation with my Windows PC. All I need is a phone and not a headache.

Yet Apple has once again produced something so stylish such that if I was a bastard rich man, I would not mind spending my pocket money just to show off for fun.

Official site
Articles regarding iphone

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