Tuesday, June 20, 2006

My housemates !

If I never get to say these word,
I just wanted to let you know,
I never had true friends or best friends
or whatever friends they call it,
I never had friends who came over to my house,
I never had friends who studied with me,
All I had was school mates, tuition mates,
and some neighbours who played football once in a while,

With you guys,
4 solid years knowing you peps,
The fun we had,
the makan sessions, bbq sessions,the jumping arounds, mad chases, stupid experiments, tanni sessions (though i was not drunk, it was fun watching you people drunk !)
and many many more stupid stuff I would never have done in my entire life..

You guys shaped my life and I will always remember the moments we had in 3306 and A3-8-10

Hugs to you...my FRIENDs !

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